10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of ‘Enough’

  • By Jennifer Mulder
  • 8 July 2024
  • 4 minute read
10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into a Bountiful Attitude | The Health Sessions

When you’re living with lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or endometriosis, it’s easy to get stuck on all the things you’re lacking: good health, a clear mind, enough energy for your daily tasks, fun with friends, money for medical bills… The list of abilities, activities, resources and people you’ve lost to chronic illness can be long, and thanks to your painful symptoms, they’re often front of mind.

And you have every right to grieve your old life and all you’re missing out on. But that doesn’t mean that at the same time, there aren’t still good things happening in life worth celebrating. That’s why adopting an attitude of abundance can help you to keep an eye out for the positives, even during tough times.

In recent years, abundance has been a popular theme in self-development, spiritual and financial circles, promoting the belief that there’s enough wealth, success and happiness in the world for everyone. But you don’t necessarily have to believe in the law of attraction or manifestation to tap into a more abundant mindset, while still taking your daily reality into account.

First of all, check your deepest beliefs. Deep down, are you scared that you will never have enough or be enough? Living with a body or brain that lets you down regularly can damage the idea you had of yourself and your future. And that’s totally normal and probably realistic. But don’t forget to remind yourself that ‘more’ and ‘faster’ isn’t necessarily better, and that you get to decide what ‘enough’ encompasses for you.

That doesn’t mean you have to settle for poor health or a lifestyle with limitations. On the contrary – having a growth mindset instead of believing your skills, talents and situation are fixed actually helps you to adopt an attitude of abundance. No, you just genuinely appreciate the things you do have while you take small steps towards a better tomorrow.

How? Learn to look for the silver linings. Have you ever noticed that ever since you came across a yellow/pink/orange car, you all of a sudden spot that color car all the time? Just like pregnant women suddenly see other bumps and babies everywhere?

That’s the frequency illusion – a cognitive bias that (unconsciously) directs your attention to scan for a specific object, person or concept. It’s also proof that you can train your mind to be on the lookout for happy moments and small blessings.

You could also do this by keeping a gratitude journal and jotting down 3 positive things that happened each day. And did you know that really savoring simple pleasures like feeling the sun on your skin after a rainy day or cuddling loved ones will lengthen your positive feelings and their impact on your wellbeing?

What’s more, instead of having a scarcity mindset, try to see the possibilities and even opportunities of your situation, not only the (obvious and real) limitations. There are silver linings behind every cloud, and although that doesn’t take away the darkness of your situation, it does help you to keep hope, stay optimistic and become resilient enough to overcome the obstacles on your way.

Finally, focus on what you still have to give. Being generous is one of the most practical ways to adapt an abundance attitude, and that does not necessarily mean donating money or stuff.

Despite all that you’re going through, you still have so much to offer the world: your kindness and smile, your advocacy for things that matter, your wisdom about coping with hardship. When you become mindful of all the things you can still give, your brain will start to notice all the beauty, love and nature around you that you can tap into any time.

Get inspired by these 10 abundance quotes to tap into the attitude of ‘enough’. 

10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of 'Enough' | The Health Sessions

10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of 'Enough' | The Health Sessions

10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of 'Enough' | The Health Sessions

10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of 'Enough' | The Health Sessions

10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of 'Enough' | The Health Sessions

10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of 'Enough' | The Health Sessions

10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of 'Enough' | The Health Sessions

10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of 'Enough' | The Health Sessions

10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of 'Enough' | The Health Sessions

10 Abundance Quotes to Tap Into an Attitude of 'Enough' | The Health Sessions

What helps you to tap into an abundance mindset even when times are tough? 

Take more inspiration from 14 Comforting Quotes That You Are Enough or learn to see the beauty of a slower, simple lifestyle

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