7 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Products into Your Life

  • By Sophia Smith
  • 23 September 2019
  • 5 minute read
7 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Products into Your Life | The Health Sessions

This article is written by Sophia Smith. 

As we slowly come to realize just how every decision we make can impact the world around us, more people are choosing to transition to a more sustainable existence. It’s beneficial in so many different ways. From helping you cut expenses, providing yourself with the healthiest possible products, all the way to preserving the environment, there are so many perks to going green.

However, not everyone is aware of the choices we have, so they stick with the old-fashioned, not so green options so prevalent on the supermarket shelves.

Looking to transform your life into a more eco-conscious one and make a difference for yourself, your family, and Mother Nature? Here are several of the simplest, but most profound ways you can swap existing products for greener ones and slowly change the way you live to an eco-friendlier existence.

1. Stock up on better cleaning supplies

7 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Products into Your Life | The Health Sessions

We all think we’re doing a good thing by keeping our homes clean at all times. Alas, if you look at basic cleaning product labels, you’ll notice that they’re packed with toxic chemicals and other damaging substances both for you and the environment. Plus, most of them come in plastic, non-recycled bottles.

To replace them, use eco-friendly cleaning products that are based on few, simple ingredients, that come in recycled packaging, and that have certifications proving their harmless effect on the environment. Alternatively, you can make your own DIY cleaning agents based on apple cider vinegar, baking soda, lemon, essential oils, and water – these simple ingredients work like a charm!

2. Smarter lighting for greener living

7 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Products into Your Life | The Health Sessions

The next time you go to the supermarket to get those essential home items, add LED lights to your list to replace all those incandescent bulbs – they are drains on your electricity, they last very briefly compared to their alternatives, and they let your electricity bill go through the roof.

LEDs, on the other hand, are a very wallet and eco-friendly alternative, and they last up to 100,000 hours, compared to the measly 1,000 or up to 2,000 hours of an ordinary incandescent bulb. Although the investment might be heftier at the time, they’ll pay off over time since you won’t need to replace them nearly as frequently as the ordinary ones.

3. Green is the new black

7 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Products into Your Life | The Health Sessions

Too many fashion labels have “polyester”, “nylon”, or “acrylic” written on them, which is yet another way you allow your washing machine to spew plastic residue into the oceans. These synthetic materials together with many other, are actually another form of plastic, and they are neither skin nor Earth-friendly, which is especially vital for our little ones with sensitive skin.

Find organic baby clothes made of bamboo, which is durable and sustainable, and it reduces your carbon footprint significantly. Do the same for your own wardrobe and opt for fabrics the likes of bamboo, including linen, organic cotton, and hemp, that will last you longer and keep your skin healthy.

4. Ditch plastic, go for reusable

7 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Products into Your Life | The Health Sessions

One key habit we have that is wreaking havoc on the environment is buying plastic water bottles whenever we get the chance. This is also one of the simplest habits you can change, since you can use insulated water bottles made of steel of different capacity depending on your needs, and keep your drink fresh and of ideal temperature for hours on end.

You’ll finally let go of the idea that plastic is “fine”, or that it’s “just one bottle”, and stop accumulating plastic. These bottles can last you a lifetime (and then some with proper care), so you’ll not just use them daily, but teach your kids that plastic isn’t a necessity.

5. Eco-friendly baubles do exist

7 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Products into Your Life | The Health Sessions

Owning jewelry often means having yet another plastic invasion in your home. As cute as certain earrings may seem, you should think about using jewelry that is made of more sustainable options that will not add to global pollution. For example, everything from earrings, watches, all the way to sunglasses is now made of wood and other recycled materials among the more eco-conscious brands.

6. Power up with solar energy

7 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Products into Your Life | The Health Sessions

Solar panels are certainly not a new product, and they do make all the difference when it comes to reducing electricity consumption and other types of waste in your home. If you cannot afford to switch to solar panels right away, there are products that can get you started. For example, you can use solar power phone chargers for starters, or a solar-powered wireless keyboard for your computer. A little can indeed go a long way.

7. Earth-friendly cosmetics

7 Ways to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Products into Your Life | The Health Sessions

Plastic seems to be everywhere around us, and while we can sometimes switch to glass or steel bottles and cutlery made of recycled materials, you’d still keep using plastic practically every day. Your shampoo and body lotion bottles are likely made of plastic, right?

There are green alternatives for your beauty shelf, from brands that sell shampoo bars instead of bottles, all the way to brands that use recycled plastic. Pick wisely, and you’ll reduce your plastic consumption even more when you think cleaner beauty thoughts.

One step and one purchase at a time, you can surely make a difference, not just in your own home, but by setting an example in your home and in your community that others will strive to live up to soon enough. These are just examples of the many eco-friendly alternatives available in the market, just keep learning and start refining your lifestyle.

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