Why You Should Embrace Your Vulnerability

  • By Jennifer Mulder
  • 12 April 2021
  • 3 minute read
Why You Should Embrace Your Vulnerability | The Health Sessions

This article is written by Susanna Balashova.

We’d all love to protect ourselves from being hurt, to try to live a happy life. But that’s not always possible.

Vulnerability means you’re exposed to the possibility of getting harmed, either physically or emotionally. Maybe you worry about failure, rejection or being judged. Your medical condition may also make you feel physically and emotionally vulnerable due to fear, anxiety, and worry.

The good news is that vulnerability can also act as a source of strength if you learn why you need to embrace it.

1. To expose yourself to new experiences

Connecting when you are vulnerable can be a bit challenging. However, you can still try to switch from one activity to another to gain experiences, new exposure, and inspiration. You can’t remain safe and secure without missing out on meaningful life experiences, joys, and gratifications.

According to a psychology essay writer, you must embrace vulnerability so that you can try new things. Even if you doubt whether you can accomplish something, you need to go ahead and attempt it.

If you’re scared of failing or looking foolish, you may find yourself stuck in a comfort zone. When you embrace vulnerability, you get the courage to allow yourself to be seen and heard, even if you are fearful.

2. To reduce worrying

If you make a deliberate decision to embrace vulnerability, you can learn how to handle your worries. What may be holding you back is highlighting mistakes, errors and focusing so much on what people say about you.

Embracing vulnerability can enable you to stop focusing on negative information and avoid fear. There is a mismatch between vulnerability perception and how such vulnerabilities are interpreted.

By embracing vulnerability you can stop worrying too much about what others may think about your condition or situation. The idea is to change the distorted or negative thinking that lies behind your negative feelings and accepting your existing condition.

Why You Should Embrace Your Vulnerability | The Health Sessions
All images by Ava Sol via unsplash.com

3. For self-compassion

When you embrace yourself with flaws and imperfections included, you become kind to yourself. You minimize insecurities and this, in turn, changes your mood for the better. Positive feelings can affect the quality of your life by boosting your abilities, self-worth, and ambitions.

Self-compassion is a quality of physical and mental well-being. By responding to your vulnerabilities, you can avoid self-criticism and live a better life. Embracing vulnerabilities is important because if you make any mistakes, you can forgive yourself, leading to psychological well-being. If you are self-compassionate, you can handle stress better by spending less time dwelling on stressful events.

Self-compassion leads to lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. If you are self-compassionate, you can be kind to yourself during times of suffering.

4. To embrace your feelings

We all feel sad, angry, or lonely sometimes, and that’s ok. But constant negative feelings can steal your joy, dreams, and ambitions if you don’t take control. Negative emotions can make you miserable and ruin your relationships.

Embracing your vulnerabilities requires you to understand and appreciate the fact that these feelings exist, and that you need to deal with them. It also requires you to move with your emotions instead of hiding them. Daring to be vulnerable with yourself and others can make you a better person.

Sharing your feelings is not a weakness but a strength. It builds trust and connection with your loved ones. To monitor your feelings, journal in detail any opportunity you miss to be vulnerable. Understanding the triggers and signals may help you to avoid them in the future.

Why You Should Embrace Your Vulnerability | The Health Sessions

5. For a transformed mindset

The human mind has cognitive biases brought about by memories, events, and personal experiences. Your beliefs can make you draw biased conclusions about who you are. This mindset can influence your self-perception. Embracing your vulnerabilities can determine the extent to which you will accomplish your life goals. Positive stories about yourself can allow you to enjoy a purposeful life.

By embracing your vulnerabilities, you can systematically understand yourself and what matters to you most. You can also understand what drains you and choose to move on despite insecurities.

If you don’t understand who you are, you will be controlled by society’s definition of success instead of focusing on personal success. A transformed mindset makes life more bearable, purposeful, effortless, and full of well-being. It also increases your ability to connect with yourself and with others.


Embracing vulnerabilities requires you to understand who you are in terms of your feelings and how you manage them. Instead of allowing feelings to put you down, love yourself and let the people around you understand who you are. Like Brené Brown said, “Vulnerability is not knowing victory or defeat, it’s understanding the necessity of both; it’s engaging. It’s being in all.”

Author Bio: Susanna Balashova is a talented new-age marketer who uses online tools and software perfectly to get desired results. She is an effective writer and editor too and works for the best writing service in the academic writing sphere. Other than her work, she enjoys filling her canvas with colors and listening to her favorite music. You can find her on Twitter or Linkedin.

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