Anyone who’s ever spent a night staring at the ceiling knows it’s true: your mind can be your most powerful ally or your worst enemy.
Left alone with your thoughts, you might start replaying problems in your head, worry about what the future might bring or fantasize about your dreams coming true. Either way, you’re tapping into the power of your imagination.
Imagination is your ability to form a mental image of objects, landscapes, scenarios or ideas without the immediate input of your senses. From vividly picturing your worst fears to envisioning yourself on a tropical beach, your brain has the power to conjure up all kinds of plots and plans.
But even though it’s all in your mind, your imagination may shape your reality more than you may realize. Creative thinking helps to come up with out-of-the-box solutions for your problems. Playing out scenarios in your mind can also prepare you for real-life challenges, making it easier to stay calm and perform well in high-pressure situations. What’s more, picturing yourself achieve your goals will give you the self-efficacy you need to make your dreams come true.
Your thought patterns also have a tangible effect on your body. When you fantasy about the perfect vacation or kissing that guy you fancy, your body releases happy hormones that boost your wellbeing in many ways. That’s because your brain does not distinguish much between vividly imagining and actually experiencing a situation. It’s through the release of those neurochemicals and the following physical reactions, that imagination, visualization and positive constructive daydreaming can boost your brain power, lower your stress levels, reduce fear and help you manage pain.
So tap into the power of your imagination and unleash your creative wisdom with these 17 quotes!
Do you ever purposely tap into the power of your imagination?
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