12 Heartwarming Quotes to Encourage Compassion for Others and Yourself

  • By Jennifer Mulder
  • 26 February 2018
  • 3 minute read
12 Heartwarming Quotes to Encourage Compassion for Others and Yourself | The Health Sessions

Compassion is a admirable trait that forms the heart of our society, religions and humanistic views. Our minds and bodies seem to be wired to care. When you see somebody else suffer, your brain reacts to their pain as if it was your own. Not only do you instinctively empathize with others, the part of your brain that wants to alleviate their distress also lights up. Studies show that when you feel compassion, your heart rate slows down and the bonding hormone oxytocin is released.

Tuning into other people’s feelings in a kind manner doesn’t just help them – it makes you feel good too. Feeling compassion can improve your relationships, boost your resilience and give you a more optimistic outlook on life – all factors that are linked to a happier, healthier you.

And the good news is, you don’t have to become the next Mother Theresa or Gandhi to cultivate compassion. Simple things like looking for similarities between yourself and others or really listening to what someone’s saying also encourages feelings of compassion.

In the Dutch language, there’s an important distinction between ‘medelijden’ (compassion or pity; literal translation: co-suffering) and ‘medeleven’ (sympathy; literally: co-living). It’s a good thing when you genuinely want to understand what somebody’s going through and taking action to help them, but that doesn’t mean you should take on their suffering.

Because compassion is about being kind to yourself too. True self-compassion is not the same as a narcissistic self-love, being easy on yourself or making excuses. It’s about paying attention to your needs and taking a caring approach, instead of a self-critical one.

Have a look at these 12 heartwarming quotes to encourage compassion for others and yourself. 

12 Compassion Quotes to Inspire Kindess

12 Heart-Warming Quotes to Encourage Compassion for Yourself and Others | The Health Sessions

12 Heart-Warming Quotes to Encourage Compassion for Yourself and Others | The Health Sessions

12 Heart-Warming Quotes to Encourage Compassion for Yourself and Others | The Health Sessions

Compassion Quotes: Buddha | The Health Sessions

Compassion Quotes: Yasmin Mogahed | The Health Sessions

Compassion Quotes: Mother Theresa | The Health Sessions

12 Heart-Warming Quotes to Encourage Compassion for Yourself and Others | The Health Sessions

12 Heart-Warming Quotes to Encourage Compassion for Yourself and Others | The Health Sessions

Compassion Quotes: Dalai Lama XIV | The Health Sessions

12 Heart-Warming Quotes to Encourage Compassion for Yourself and Others | The Health Sessions

Compassion Quotes: Buddha | The Health Sessions

For more ideas about spreading kindness, check out five 31-day kindness challenges and calendars.

What’s your favourite compassion quote? 

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