17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles

  • By Jennifer Mulder
  • 7 November 2022
  • 2 minute read
17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

Do you ever feel like living with chronic illness seems like an uphill battle?

When pain, fatigue and debilitating symptoms make it hard to function, there can be many proverbial mountains to climb. Whether you’re working hard to improve your health or you simply try make it through a tough day, you’ll have to push through the pain and face the rocky road towards the top.

But when you’re standing at the foot of the mountain looking up, that climb can feel like a daunting task. The summit seems so far away, and the path you have to follow has plenty of obstacles on its way. Still, you bravely start your ascend. But after a while, you start to get exhausted, physically and mentally. The doubt creeps in –  should I keep going or just turn around? 

Even worse, sometimes you stumble and fall. Not into the abyss, no, but a long way down. And it’s really hard to get back up and face that same climb again, especially now you know how much time, energy and dedication it requires to return to your baseline.  You may feel like giving up, but deep down, there’s a stubborn, hopeful voice pushing you forward.

Because even your personal Mount Everest can be conquered. It will definitely not be easy, but you have to keep reaching, keep putting one foot in front of the other. You don’t have to forge a new path, you can follow in the footsteps of those who’ve gone before you and use ropes to hang onto.

Listen to your body and follow your own pace. Life is not a race, nor a competition who can climb the highest peaks. So much meaning can be found in the striving itself, not necessarily in reaching your destination.

Also don’t forget to stop and rest and enjoy the view once in a while. Maybe you’ll never reach the top, and that’s ok. But you’ve fought for what matters to you, you explored the world around and inside you, and maybe you’ve even elevated your life along the way.

Get motivated by these 17 quotes about climbing mountains to keep fighting your uphill battles. 

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

17 Quotes about Climbing Mountains for Your Uphill Battles | The Health Sessions

Which climbing mountains quotes motivate you to keep going? 

For more support on fighting uphill battles, sign up for weekly health sessions packed with tried-and-tested tips on living a good life with chronic illness, delivered straight to your inbox.

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