6 Effective Jaw Exercises for TMJ Relief

  • By Liam Davis
  • 27 March 2023
  • 6 minute read
6 Effective Jaw Exercises for TMJ Relief | The Health Sessions

Symptoms of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders vary from person to person, but they usually include headache, earaches, jaw pain or discomfort, limited movement of the jaw, and clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the joint when opening and closing the mouth. If you’re experiencing TMJ symptoms, it’s important to see your dentist or doctor as soon as possible to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Why should you practice TMJ exercises for pain relief?

You can do a few things that may help relieve the pain and stiffness of TMJ. These include exercise, reducing stress, and using hot or cold compresses. TMJ exercises are designed to strengthen and stretch the muscles of the jaw, which can help reduce symptoms of TMJ. They can be done at home or in a doctor’s office.

Keeping your TMJ in a healthy position is a key part of pain relief and maintaining mobility. The TMJ is a complex group of parts that work together to help move your jaw and chew, so it’s important to do exercises that target the right areas. Talk to your doctor about the best way to do these exercises so they can be customized for your specific condition.

If you have a TMJ problem, effective jaw exercises may help to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with it. But, before starting any jaw relaxation exercises, you should consult a doctor first to ensure it is the right one for your needs. Start slowly, and keep your jaw relaxed. If you experience pain during any of the exercises, stop and speak with a doctor immediately.

6 Effective Jaw Exercises for TMJ Relief | The Health Sessions
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6 Effective TMJ Exercises for Pain Relief

1. Open Resistance Exercise

The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is a complex structure that allows the jaw to move and function. It includes a disc that acts as a shock absorber and two muscles that control jaw movement.

In addition, the TMJ has a pair of muscles involved in chewing. These are called the masseter and pterygoid muscles. These muscles help lift and close your jaw as well as slide it forward or side to side. To strengthen these muscles, you can do an exercise known as the Open Resistance Exercise.

Open resistance exercise is an effective exercise for jaw pain relief that requires you to place a finger on your chin and push down as you open and close your mouth. Another variation is to place a hand or clenched fist under your chin and open your mouth against gentle resistance. Do this several times.

2. Assisted Jaw Stretch

The Assisted Jaw Stretch is one of the most effective jaw exercises for TMJ relief. It helps to strengthen the jaw muscles and reduces stress in the face, neck, and head. To perform this exercise, sit in a stable chair with good posture and place the heels of your hands on the masseter muscles. Gently push up on the masseter muscles while opening your mouth. Hold the position for three seconds and repeat it several times.

Besides strengthening the jaw, this stretch also helps to reduce tension in the temporalis muscle. It can be very tight, which can cause misalignment and pain. In order to alleviate TMJ pain, physical therapists may recommend this TMJ exercise for jaw pain alleviation.

3. Tongue-to-Roof Exercise

It may be time to take action if you’re experiencing chronic jaw pain. Luckily, you can try many effective jaw exercises at home for TMJ relaxation. One such exercise is the Tongue-to-Roof Exercise. This is an easy-to-do and effective exercise that will relax your jaw muscles and ease your TMJ. To perform this exercise, place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth just behind your front teeth. Pull your teeth apart while making a conscious effort to relax your jaw muscles.

Repeat this jaw exercises for TMJ five times. Switch to a thicker object, such as a ruler or tongue depressor, if it’s too difficult. In addition to these jaw exercises, you can also try stress reduction and relaxation techniques. Consult a well-experienced TMJ doctor to learn more about these exercises.

6 Effective Jaw Exercises for TMJ Relief | The Health Sessions
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4. Double Chin Exercise

If you’re experiencing tinnitus or pain near your upper temple area, you may have TMJ disorder. If this is the case, you can try a few TMJ exercises at home that might help ease your symptoms. The Double Chin Exercise is an effective jaw exercise for TMJ relief to strengthen and tone your muscles. This simple exercise is easy and can be done anytime. It can also be used to relieve bruxism, which is a common cause of TMJ.

Start by placing your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your upper front teeth. Once you’ve done this for about 10 seconds, allow your teeth to fall apart while relaxing your jaw muscles. Next, tuck your chin back, creating a “double chin.” Hold for three seconds and repeat it ten times.

5. Jaw Twist

Your temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is an important part of your jaw. It connects your lower jawbone to your skull and provides a range of motion that lets you speak, chew, yawn, and open your mouth wide. The TMJ is a complex system of joints, muscles, and cartilage that work together to move your jaw. If one component becomes misaligned or damaged, it can cause pain and even a clicking sound when you open your mouth.

Jaw twist is one of the effective jaw relaxation exercises that you can perform from the comfort of your couch. Gradually twist your jaw and return back to the normal position. Repeat this several times but don’t overdo this. If the pain persists, it’s advisable to visit a reliable TMJ clinic for TMJ pain relief.

6. Pterygoid Stretch

The lateral pterygoid muscle is part of the group of four muscles of mastication (chewing). It spans between the sphenoid bone and the temporomandibular joint. The muscle has two heads, the superior and inferior divisions. Both attach to the mandibular condyle and help move the jaw side to side, forward, and back. Understanding how our jaw works will help you deal with TMJ disorders and get the best-suited TMJ exercises to relax your jaw.

It also rotates the mandible when contracting unilaterally in synergy with the medial pterygoid muscle. When tight and irritated, the lateral pterygoid can contribute to many symptoms, including headaches, earaches, jaw pain, and neck, shoulder, and facial pain.

6 Effective Jaw Exercises for TMJ Relief | The Health Sessions
Save these exercises for when you need it.

How to do jaw exercises for TMJ relief

If you’re suffering from a TMJ disorder, it can be helpful to try some exercises. They’re relatively easy to perform at home, and some can even reduce symptoms. You can start with Open Resistance Exercise, followed by Tongue-to-Roof Exercise and double-chin exercise. Regularly stretching the muscles of your jaw helps reduce tension and pain.


TMJ disorder is a common problem affecting millions of Americans, leading to chronic facial and neck pain. If you experience frequent headaches, jaw or facial pain, popping sounds when opening your mouth, or tinnitus (a perceived ringing in the ears), it’s time to get to the root of your problem and seek treatment from your dentist.

Various treatments are available for TMJ, including physical therapy, oral exercises, and nightguards to help protect the joint from clenching and grinding while you sleep. These methods will not resolve your symptoms overnight but will gradually reduce clenching and relieve the tension causing your problems.

Author bio: Liam Davis has been writing for the healthcare industry for years to become a legacy guest author. His educational background in the medical sciences provides a solid foundation and credibility to approach many health-related issues. Still, He especially enjoys preparing scientifically-backed pieces on modern-day medical problems.

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