How to Manage a Long-Distance Move with Chronic Illness

  • By Frankie Wallace
  • 4 October 2022
  • 5 minute read
How to Manage a Long-Distance Move with Chronic Illness | The Health Sessions

If you ask anyone, they will tell you that the process of moving to a new home is one of the most stressful and unpleasant experiences that life can bring, especially if you are going a long distance. There is a lot of stress associated with packing all of your things, hiring movers, transferring your utilities, and everything else that moving entails. If you deal with chronic pain or illness, then any type of long-distance travel can become even more painful.

We are here to help. We have some practical tips that you can use to ease your pain and make you feel a bit more organized and happier during your next move.

Know When the Time Is Right

Once you realize that it is time to move long-distance, you will need to start thinking about your current situation and if you are ready for this significant transition. To do so, you need to look deep inside and listen to your body. Sometimes that may be easier said than done if you begin to think that your body has betrayed you with this unexpected pain and has stolen the life of freedom that you’ve always truly wanted. If you feel that way, then try journaling your thoughts  or practicing yoga or meditation so you can begin to trust your body with chronic illness again.

If you are dealing with a lot of anxiety on top of chronic illness, then you may want to quell some of that stress first so that you don’t get too upset to cope during the move. Doing so may include asking your doctor about medication or discussing your issues with your family. If you still have trouble, then you may want to take some time to talk with a counselor or the other members of your support group so you can find your footing again. You’ll want to find ways that increase your resilience as someone living with chronic illness because long-distance moves can be particularly taxing.

Even if you are not more stressed than usual, it is still important to take care of yourself now and during the move so you don’t have added pressure to your life with chronic illness. Remember to eat a healthy diet and try to get 20 minutes of easy to moderate exercise in the morning. Also, make sure that you get enough sleep during the entire moving process so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the next big challenge.

How to Manage a Long-Distance Move with Chronic Illness | The Health Sessions
Photo by cottonbro via

Plan Accordingly

Before you even attempt to pick up a single box, it is essential that you plan out the entire move and take the proper precautions so there aren’t any surprises. Having an overview of all the tasks you have to check off before moving day will help you to pace your limited energy and manage your symptoms better. Try to plan rest before and after sorting out your belongings and packing boxes, switch up those physical chores with mental tasks like finalizing contracts and updating your details, and give yourself enough buffer time to cope with unexpected events and a flare-up of symptoms.

If you are unable to do a lot of physical activity, then you should consider hiring professional movers to assist. Many moving companies will help to pack your existing home, transport the goods to the other property, and then help you to unpack there or at least put the boxes in an accessible place. Make sure to research and find moving prices that match your budget. If you’re comfortable, tell the movers that you have a chronic illness so they can prepare accordingly.

In addition to packing everything from the house onto the truck, it is also important to pack a smaller suitcase that you can keep with you during the move. If you’ve ever traveled with chronic illness, you know how helpful this can be. This personal bag should include everything that you can’t afford to lose, including your driver’s license, passport, emergency list of contacts and emergency services, comfortable shoes, and any medication that you require. Keep this bag near you at all times.

Finally, if you intend to drive to your new home, then it is a wise idea to plan your route ahead of time so you know where you’ll be going and what amenities will be available along the way. So, if you require a specific pharmacy or you know that you will get tired, then you will want to ensure that the locations you need will be available so you can stop whenever necessary. Planning your route will also help you to budget the costs of gas, food, and vehicle maintenance.

How to Manage a Long-Distance Move with Chronic Illness | The Health Sessions
Photo by Karolina Grabowska via

Make Preparations at the New Location

It is also important that you take the time to research the location where you will be living so you have what you need to live as much of a pain-free life as possible once you get settled. Research and make sure that you will have access to the pharmacies and doctors that you will require to help with your condition. If they don’t exist, then make arrangements with your current doctor.

If you are moving even further, to a new province, new state, or to a different country altogether, then extra research will be necessary. For instance, you will need to consider the housing market, the cost of living, and transportation costs. If you are moving to another country, then you may need to look into the regulations to ensure that you are playing by their rules and that you are fulfilling all requirements as far as residency. You may even need to buy adapters for tech and change out currencies beforehand.

You’ll also want to look up information specific to your illness. For instance, health insurance may be more expensive in a new state and completely different in a new country, so you will want to be prepared. You should also research where you can go if you are in extreme pain. Check to see if there are hospitals or urgent care centers nearby. Look into every possible avenue and ensure that you’ll have everything you need to manage your illness.

As you can see, there are plenty of precautions to take before starting a long-distance move with chronic illness. Consider the tips and advice mentioned here, and you can relocate with minimal pain and stress.

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