15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You’re Struggling

  • By Jennifer Mulder
  • 27 February 2023
  • 3 minute read
15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

Have you ever wondered, “What’s the point of life if all I can do is lie sick in bed every day?”

Trust me, you’re not alone. After major life events like getting diagnosed with chronic illness, losing a loved one or experiencing trauma, existential questions can arise when you’re forced to adapt to a new situation.

But it’s not always easy to make sense of life again. Aside from the practical adjustments, you may no longer feel the same way about yourself, your abilities and your dreams for the future. Maybe you used to have an amazing goal, like building a flourishing career, only to see it get nipped in the bud by chronic illness. Or perhaps you’ve loved dancing and snowboarding all of your life, and now you can no longer do that, it hurts to lose that joy, that ultimate form of personal growth and relaxation, that part of your identity. It can feel like having a purpose, passion or ambition does nothing but sting when your health stops you from pursuing it.

And still, when you’ve been seriously sick for a while and it doesn’t look like your health will drastically improve overnight, you’ll have to find new meaning again. We all need something that motivates us to get out of bed in the morning and that helps us make the most of our given situation, even when times are tough.

The good thing is, you don’t need some grandiose purpose like curing cancer to give new direction to your life. You can contribute to something that’s bigger than you by being a good friend and spreading kindness in any way you can. Improve the world one tiny action at a time by creating a bee-friendly garden, donating old clothes or buying your (secondhand) books through Better World Books – a socially conscious business that matches each purchase with a book donation. You could find purpose in being a health advocate, for yourself and others like you. Experiment with modified ways to practice passions you’ve always loved, even if it’s not the same as before you got sick.

You can connect to something that’s larger than yourself by heading into nature and really pay attention to the natural beauty around you. Make time for other activities that could elicit awe, like listening to meaningful music, looking at magnificent pieces of art or staring up at the stars at night. Feel connected to the people who’ve gone before you by reading great novels or soaking up hundreds of years worth of knowledge through philosophy.

What’s more, having a purpose is not the only way to live a more fulfilled life. You can find fulfillment by living according to your core values, even if that goes against the grain. Being in the present moment, focusing on connection with others and practicing genuine gratitude can also all increase your life satisfaction.

Finding a new purpose in life with chronic illness is not easy, nor is it necessary to stay afloat. But having a sense of meaning and purpose in life does boost your resilience, supports your health, strengthens your relationships and increases your satisfaction with life.

So fuel your motivation with these 15 purpose quotes for a fulfilled life, even when you’re struggling right now. 

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

15 Purpose Quotes for a Fulfilled Life, Even When You're Struggling | The Health Sessions

Which of these purpose quotes inspires you the most to find fulfillment, no matter your circumstances?

Check out ‘Your Guide to Finding Meaning When Chronic Illness Has Turned Your Life Upside Down’ for 21 science-based but actionable ways to find purpose and fulfillment. 

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